RLN testing plays a crucial role in the early pregnancy diagnosis of dogs.

Nov 16, 2023

RLN testing plays a crucial role in the early pregnancy diagnosis of dogs.
In the early stages of pregnancy, the mother dog's body begins to produce a hormone called RLN (Relaxin), which is secreted by both the mother's placenta and the fetus's testes. RLN hormone is essential in regulating the mother's reproductive system, promoting fetal development, and facilitating parturition.
By monitoring the levels of RLN in the mother dog, veterinarians can diagnose pregnancy at an early stage. In the first few weeks of pregnancy, when the embryo has just implanted in the uterus, the levels of RLN in the mother begin to rise. By measuring this hormone's levels, veterinarians can detect pregnancy within days after conception. This makes RLN testing a highly valuable method for early pregnancy detection.
In addition to helping diagnose pregnancy, RLN testing can provide information about the health status of the fetus. In a normal pregnancy, the levels of RLN rise gradually as the pregnancy progresses. However, if there are any health issues with the fetus, the levels of RLN may not rise as expected or may even decrease. By monitoring RLN levels regularly, veterinarians can detect any potential abnormalities in a timely manner to take appropriate measures to safeguard the health of the fetus.
Overall, RLN testing plays a significant role in the early pregnancy diagnosis of dogs. It not only helps in confirming pregnancy at an early stage but also provides information about the health status of the fetus. By monitoring RLN levels, veterinarians can gain a better understanding of the pregnancy process and the condition of the fetus, thereby providing guidance for the health of both the mother and the fetus.

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